December 10, 2022 is rapidily approaching,! It’s a day to prepare for a big event the following year, December 10, 2023, the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Let’s make the one year passage of time special to us. As it should be. Time is infinite, yet for each of us, it’s limited. The story we tell each other is that the planet’s rotation defines the length of our existence. Our planet may revolve around the sun 60-100 times in our lifetimes, depending on where we are born, the lives we lead, and a little bit of luck or fate.
One of the key questions is what do we do with the time that we have? How much of that time do we spend thinking about the generations that follow? Human rights are never static. They are either growing or declining. Each generation has an obligation to sustain rights and advance them. Eleanor said this about rights:
“In each generation and in each country there must be a continuation of the struggle and new steps forward must be taken since this is preeminently a field in which to stand still is to retreat.”
So what can each of us do to continue the struggle for rights so that they do not deteriorate? We can band together to visibly show our support for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
On December 10, 2023 Earth will have rotated around the sun 75 times since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was agreed to unanimously by all countries. Eleanor Lives! is hosting an event at the War Memorial in San Francisco on December 10, 2023 to celebrate and affirm the UDHR on its 75th anniversary.
As part of the preparation for this event, throughout 2022, individuals, nonprofits and businesses will be asked to become “lights for rights” on a spinning globe which is on the Eleanor Lives website. The goal is 1% of individuals, nonprofits and businesses to be on the globe that will be physically observable at the event on December 10, 2023.
Everyone knows we are more powerful together, yet we continue to travel in parallel. Please join in an international social movement both to look back and celebrate a plan for humanity and to advance that plan. Become a light and be a leader, encourage others to become lights too. Eleanor called the UDHR “a Magna Carta for all mankind.” In 2022/2023 we will ask all mankind to participate in celebration/reaffirmation of the UDHR.
It’s time to act together as the Earth rotates in 2022, so that the rotation of 2023 will break the stagnation and deteriation of rights and move forward to make them realized for all people internationally – the original intent of the UDHR.
Onward in 2022 to prepare for 2023!
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