Everyone has a right to their cultural identity, including the right to use their language and engage in their cultural traditions, provided that such exercise does not violate IBOR or prevent the exercise of other cultural traditions.
Article 18 Citizenship and Movement
Everyone has the right to a document of citizenship. No citizen may have their citizenship revoked, nor may any citizen be denied the right to enter freely and leave their country. To share the costs of public expenditures, citizens have the responsibility to pay taxes. To help prevent the misuse of taxes, any person who provides evidence to the government about the improper use of government funds, will receive 5% to 20% of the amount recovered by the government, plus attorney’s fees and costs, as determined by the Court.
Article 17 Children
Every child has the right to a name and a nationality from birth. No one under 18 may be recruited as a soldier or otherwise used in armed conflict, even voluntarily. Children 18 or younger shall not work full time during school hours.
Article 16 Family Life
People of full age have the right to marry and choose who they will marry. Men and women are entitled to equal rights at marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
Article 15 Privacy and Information
Everyone has the right to privacy in his or her home, hotel room, vehicle, or vessel and to have interpersonal relations as they choose. Eavesdropping or surveillance of private communications and activities digitally, electronically or otherwise, is forbidden without a court order as part of a criminal investigation. Everyone has a right to access, obtain, and correct information collected about them unless such information is part of a criminal investigation or prosecution. Private information about people such as their travels, purchases or location shall not be collected without a specific written request and grant of permission unless there is a court order as part of a criminal investigation.
Article 14 Physical and Intellectual Property
Everyone has the right to own, buy, sell, rent or lease property. The government may not take private property except for public use. If it does, the government must pay market price for the property. The government must publish a record showing who owns a piece of property, including major shareholders of the property if it is owned by a business. The public record shall include detailed boundaries, as well as documents showing the sale or change of ownership of the property and any limitations on the property. Everyone engaged in cultural, artistic, or scientific pursuits has the right to protect their intellectual property.
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